Stressful Antics

Hitler was a nice guy right?

I am...
Hitler was a nice guy right?
Important Things To Know

Was Hitler really that bad?

Hitler Dancing

Didja ever wonder about the softer, gentler side of Hitler, the sensitive artiste who apparently was only trying to clean up Germany (& much of Europe). He was only trying to help. Hitler was only trying to clean up the country, and make it more visually appearing to his friends whom he was trying to impress like...
Maybe he was metro sexual? Maybe he was gay?  At least he cared about his appearence, unlike other countries like Africa, and Greenland. If someone actually gave two shits about hitler when he was growing up, none of the bullying would of happened. If Hitler's dad would of hugged him as a child, I am almost positive he wouldn't of been the same.
Look around you right now. Look at your classmates, your co-workers, your family. Don't you think that at least one of them have the chance to become  a great world leader as Hitler? Do they have the potential?
...So parent's Please Remember...
...........Hug Your Children.............

Hitler was amazing, right?
Click the picture and It will show you more proof that Hitler Was indeed Sensitive, and Cool

Hitlers Art




There is no escape